My account is blocked - what can I do?
An account can be blocked due to: Outstanding amounts to be paid Suspicious behavior Not being used for a long period of time Solution: log in and confirm the reason why the account is blocked (see example below). For any of the listed reasons, users should reach out to Sales Representative.Few readersHow can I create a new account?
Not a customer yet? If you’re not a customer but are interested in seeing how C Teleport can streamline your travel management, you can: Use the contact form and one of our team members will follow up with you. Would you prefer a personalised demonstration of how the platform works? Request it here . We’ll guide you through the next steps and help you sign our agreement. Once the agreement is signed, we’ll create an accFew readersI forgot my password, how can I recover it?
It happens to the best of us. In case you ever forget or misplace your password, you can follow these simple steps to reset it. Open your browser and go to Click on Don't remember your password? 3. Open the email you received and click on the link therein. In case you cannot find the email, please also make sure you check your spam folder. Follow thePopularWhat to do if I can’t login to my account?
If you can’t login to your account, even after resetting your password, please, make a screenshot of the error you get and send it to us to We will be happy to help you. I forgot my password, how can I recover it?Few readersHow can I delete an account?
If you’d like to delete an account you just need to: Send us an email to Give us the full name of the user or the email address and it’s done!Few readersWhy you should never share your login and password
When you use C Teleport, all the tickets booked with your user or any user under your company’s name shall be paid by the registered company. If the device where the app was open is stolen or you shared your login information with someone else who later makes an unauthorized booking, this booking will be charged to your company's account. How can I prevent it? If the device where you used C Teleport is stolen, let us know by sending us an email to, we will block yoSome readers