How can I create a new account?
Not a customer yet?
If you’re not a customer but are interested in seeing how C Teleport can streamline your travel management, you can:
Use the contact form and one of our team members will follow up with you.
Would you prefer a personalised demonstration of how the platform works? Request it here .
We’ll guide you through the next steps and help you sign our agreement.
Once the agreement is signed, we’ll create an account for your company, and you’ll be ready to start managing travel.
If you’re an existing customer and need an extra account:
As an existing customer, you can now create additional user accounts directly via the Admin Portal .
Note: Only users with an Admin role are able to access the Admin portal and add an extra account.
Here’s how to do it:
- Access Admin Portal
- Create a new user:
Click the “Add User” button in the top right corner of the page.

Select the relevant tenant from the dropdown list. If the tenant was added recently, refresh the page to see it listed.
Enter the new user’s full name (first name + last name) and email.
IMPORTANT: Each user should have a unique email address. Use only business email addresses, avoiding personal or shared accounts.
Assign roles and travel policies:
Choose the appropriate roles from the dropdown menu. Hover over the roles for more information about their access scopes (e.g., admin, traveller, observer).

If necessary, assign a travel policy to the user. If no policy is available, you can add one later or select 'Without travel policy' for now.
Complete the process:
Once all information is entered, click “Create Users” to finalise.
If successful, a green alert will appear. If there are validation issues, a red alert will notify you of errors.

Note: You can add up to 5 users simultaneously by clicking the "Add User" button. To add more than 5 users, click "Create Users" to complete the process, then start a new batch.
If you encounter any issues, please reach out to our customer support team via email .
Updated on: 04/11/2024
Thank you!