How can I manage my bookings?
You can manage all your bookings by clicking the “Bookings” tab on the top menu.
Here you will find all your booking history, from past to future bookings. To find the booking, you need faster, you can use the different filters and sorting options.
In the initial overview, you get both flights and hotels. If you prefer to see only one or the other, you can click ‘Booking type’ and select the category you need.
By default, you see bookings that are pending in the future. If you would like to see bookings with arrival/check-out in the past, please scroll up past the “Past bookings” marker.
Please note: bookings that are “in progress” will be visible in the pending section until the last leg of the flight arrives or until a hotel check-out date passes.
By default, you are seeing flights and hotels that are ‘Confirmed’, ‘Issued’, ‘Used’, ‘Awaiting approval’, ‘Payment required’, ‘Pending change’, ‘Pending cancellation’ while ‘Cancelled’ and ‘Declined’ are hidden.
If you want to adjust your default view, you can do so by clicking on ‘Status’.
You can sort bookings by travel date or booking date. You can do that by clicking ‘Travel date’ on the right of your screen. Travel date means departure for flights and check-in for hotels.
You can search by:
name of the vessel
passenger’s name
booking locator
hotel name
hotel address
ticket number
You can download your booking history in various date ranges on Excel or CSV format. The booking history includes a CO2 report in it. Please note that at this point in time, the booking export only contains flight data.
To manage individual bookings, just click on the three dots next to the booking information to find the menu.
You just have to click the buttons, but you can read more about the whole process in these articles:
How can I cancel an unused ticket and get a refund?
How can I change a ticket?
It copies the flight information so you can paste it into an email or message to share with the passenger or anyone else.
You can open all the flight ticket information in the app.
You can download all the ticket information in PDF format to share with the passenger.
You can upload any document template to the app like a Letter of Guarantee. The app will enter passenger and flight details in the document. You can download it, sign and send it to the recipient. To enable this, please contact the support team or your Customer Success Manager.
You can add a new crew member to the existing crew change, i.e. book a flight to an extra passenger travelling with the existing group directly from the Bookings page.
Easily cancel your booking by clicking on the button.
It copies the hotel information so you can paste it into an email or message to share with the passenger or anyone else.
You can download all the hotel information in PDF format to share with the passengers.
This option will initiate a new search for the same hotel on the same dates.
When you click on the booking row, you go to another page with the full details of the booking.
Under the passenger details, you can see the booking history details:
Who booked it & date
Who cancelled it & date
By clicking on the three dots next to the vessel name, you can see the crew change options:
cancel all crew change
download crew list (We can add the logo of your company upon request)
add new traveller to the crew change
If a hotel booking was added while booking a flight it will appear as an attached booking - you can click the link to see a preview of the hotel booking.
📝 Related articles:
How can I cancel an unused ticket and get a refund?
How can I change a ticket?
How can I change the details of existing bookings?
How can I request a free meal?
🔎 Filter your bookings
Here you will find all your booking history, from past to future bookings. To find the booking, you need faster, you can use the different filters and sorting options.
Flights vs hotels
In the initial overview, you get both flights and hotels. If you prefer to see only one or the other, you can click ‘Booking type’ and select the category you need.
Pending bookings vs bookings in the past
By default, you see bookings that are pending in the future. If you would like to see bookings with arrival/check-out in the past, please scroll up past the “Past bookings” marker.
Please note: bookings that are “in progress” will be visible in the pending section until the last leg of the flight arrives or until a hotel check-out date passes.
Active vs cancelled bookings
By default, you are seeing flights and hotels that are ‘Confirmed’, ‘Issued’, ‘Used’, ‘Awaiting approval’, ‘Payment required’, ‘Pending change’, ‘Pending cancellation’ while ‘Cancelled’ and ‘Declined’ are hidden.
If you want to adjust your default view, you can do so by clicking on ‘Status’.
You can sort bookings by travel date or booking date. You can do that by clicking ‘Travel date’ on the right of your screen. Travel date means departure for flights and check-in for hotels.
Searching for bookings
You can search by:
name of the vessel
passenger’s name
booking locator
hotel name
hotel address
ticket number
📤 Export your flight booking history
You can download your booking history in various date ranges on Excel or CSV format. The booking history includes a CO2 report in it. Please note that at this point in time, the booking export only contains flight data.
👷🏻 Manage individual bookings
To manage individual bookings, just click on the three dots next to the booking information to find the menu.
Change & cancel your flight bookings
You just have to click the buttons, but you can read more about the whole process in these articles:
How can I cancel an unused ticket and get a refund?
How can I change a ticket?
Copy booking details
It copies the flight information so you can paste it into an email or message to share with the passenger or anyone else.
Open e-ticket
You can open all the flight ticket information in the app.
Download e-ticket
You can download all the ticket information in PDF format to share with the passenger.
Download document template
You can upload any document template to the app like a Letter of Guarantee. The app will enter passenger and flight details in the document. You can download it, sign and send it to the recipient. To enable this, please contact the support team or your Customer Success Manager.
Add new crew member
You can add a new crew member to the existing crew change, i.e. book a flight to an extra passenger travelling with the existing group directly from the Bookings page.
Cancel your hotel booking
Easily cancel your booking by clicking on the button.
Copy booking details
It copies the hotel information so you can paste it into an email or message to share with the passenger or anyone else.
Download voucher
You can download all the hotel information in PDF format to share with the passengers.
Search the same hotel
This option will initiate a new search for the same hotel on the same dates.
Booking details
When you click on the booking row, you go to another page with the full details of the booking.
Booking history
Under the passenger details, you can see the booking history details:
Who booked it & date
Who cancelled it & date
🚢 Manage entire crew change
By clicking on the three dots next to the vessel name, you can see the crew change options:
cancel all crew change
download crew list (We can add the logo of your company upon request)
add new traveller to the crew change
View related bookings
If a hotel booking was added while booking a flight it will appear as an attached booking - you can click the link to see a preview of the hotel booking.
📝 Related articles:
How can I cancel an unused ticket and get a refund?
How can I change a ticket?
How can I change the details of existing bookings?
How can I request a free meal?
Updated on: 10/01/2025
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