Why am I getting a "Duplicate booking" warning?
You can receive two types of duplicate booking messages.
Type 1: A pop-up on C Teleport when you're booking

It appears when you're booking a flight for a passenger who already has another booking with a close departure date. This is a warning from our app in case you forgot you already have a similar booking. The app will offer you two options: either cancel the old booking and make the new one, or make a new booking with keeping the old one, taking the risk that the airline can cancel any or all of them at any time without notification.
Please note that the app will only inform you about flights within two days before or after your new departure. If there are multiple flights for the same passenger that fall outside this two-day timeframe, the app will not consider them as duplicates. To ensure there are no overlooked flights that haven't been canceled, please visit the Bookings page and filter by the passenger's name. This will allow you to see all their flights and confirm that everything is in order.

Blocking seats intentionally
In case you don't know when the passenger shall fly, and you're booking a second time intentionally to block potential departure dates, you can proceed with the booking at your own risk.
Keep in mind that the airlines do not appreciate such practices and have robots to track double bookings for the same passenger even within different airlines and routes. If an airline finds a duplicate booking, it can cancel all your flights for that passenger without a notification, even if it is a ticketed flight.
Booking separate tickets for a single trip
If your second booking is a prolongation of a previous one, or if it's a return flight, you don't need to worry. You can proceed with the booking, and the airlines won't consider this as a violation; your bookings will be safe, as they are part of a single trip. You can select the option by making a new booking and taking the risk on the app, however, there will be no risk.
Type 2: An email notification coming from the airline
When the booker gets an email notification from us saying that the airline found a duplicate booking, please:
Check if you have duplicate bookings for the same passenger with a close departure date on the app.
Check if there is a booking with another travel agency.
⚠️ Heads up! A travel agency can make a booking when you request a price quotation. If the agency forgets to cancel the booking on time, the airline might consider it a duplicate. In this case, please make sure the agency cancelled the booking.
If there are no duplicate bookings on C Teleport or another travel agency, please contact us in chat or by support@cteleport.com. Sometimes two passengers have the same name, and the airline's robot can consider them the same person by mistake. Our support team can talk to the airline to resolve this issue.
Let us know in chat or by support@cteleport.com if you have questions on how this works or if you would like to discuss a different setup for duplicate booking emails.
Type 1: A pop-up on C Teleport when you're booking

It appears when you're booking a flight for a passenger who already has another booking with a close departure date. This is a warning from our app in case you forgot you already have a similar booking. The app will offer you two options: either cancel the old booking and make the new one, or make a new booking with keeping the old one, taking the risk that the airline can cancel any or all of them at any time without notification.
Please note that the app will only inform you about flights within two days before or after your new departure. If there are multiple flights for the same passenger that fall outside this two-day timeframe, the app will not consider them as duplicates. To ensure there are no overlooked flights that haven't been canceled, please visit the Bookings page and filter by the passenger's name. This will allow you to see all their flights and confirm that everything is in order.

Blocking seats intentionally
In case you don't know when the passenger shall fly, and you're booking a second time intentionally to block potential departure dates, you can proceed with the booking at your own risk.
Keep in mind that the airlines do not appreciate such practices and have robots to track double bookings for the same passenger even within different airlines and routes. If an airline finds a duplicate booking, it can cancel all your flights for that passenger without a notification, even if it is a ticketed flight.
Booking separate tickets for a single trip
If your second booking is a prolongation of a previous one, or if it's a return flight, you don't need to worry. You can proceed with the booking, and the airlines won't consider this as a violation; your bookings will be safe, as they are part of a single trip. You can select the option by making a new booking and taking the risk on the app, however, there will be no risk.
Type 2: An email notification coming from the airline
When the booker gets an email notification from us saying that the airline found a duplicate booking, please:
Check if you have duplicate bookings for the same passenger with a close departure date on the app.
Check if there is a booking with another travel agency.
⚠️ Heads up! A travel agency can make a booking when you request a price quotation. If the agency forgets to cancel the booking on time, the airline might consider it a duplicate. In this case, please make sure the agency cancelled the booking.
If there are no duplicate bookings on C Teleport or another travel agency, please contact us in chat or by support@cteleport.com. Sometimes two passengers have the same name, and the airline's robot can consider them the same person by mistake. Our support team can talk to the airline to resolve this issue.
Let us know in chat or by support@cteleport.com if you have questions on how this works or if you would like to discuss a different setup for duplicate booking emails.
Updated on: 18/07/2024
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